Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When in doubt,... Craft it out!

I haven't been as dead to the world as this blog would make it seem.  I spent the weekend upside down in re-claimed lumber, sandpaper, nail guns (no I did not operate it!), and wood stains.  It's interesting to see just how vastly different two views points can be in how to execute a project when the two people are looking at the same picture.  No matter.  They weren't my projects!  In the end it all turned out, I've got the back pain to prove it.

Back in my real life, in my cave to which I escape to block out everything and everyone else... I've found that when I get truly upset I focus on a project.  In the past it was cleaning like a fiend.  However, there's only so much cleaning that can be done in a 1,000 sq ft apartment.  Hence my return to all things DIY last night -- and my Pinterest obsession. 

If you ever have the desire to begin sewing, I highly recommend this woman's blog:  Elle Apparel

She has the cutest skirts (loving her Mad Men look) and easiest tutorials EVER.  From her amazing site full of simple instructions I came up with this:
---DISCLAIMER--- it's not as "Amish-meets-Morticia Adams" as this photo makes it appear!

As a sidenote:  I have a serious committment problem, I'll admit it.  I like having options and I like little changes.  Emphasis on the LITTLE.  Even though I can't stay focused long enough, I openly admit I adjust very poorly to change.  Now down to business.  I've said all this in reference to my cell phone case (among other things).  I get really annoyed that to protect my cell phone it will cost me anywhere from $20-$50 for ONE case.  Oh no no.  That simply will not do.  So I resorted to a clear case I purchased with a coupon, a little free ingenuity, and VOILA!  New, cheap, interchangable cell phone cases to fit my mood/situation/whim/etc!

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