Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reading, Writing, & 'Rithmatic... meet Hancock's, Hobby Lobby, & Michael's

I guess I should start with a disclaimer... I don't really know what I'm doing.

But I guess that's part of all the fun/experience of learning... if we never undertake a new task, we'd never grow as a person, a community, a culture, etc.  I've never really been what I would consider creative.  In fact I couldn't tell you of many things I've ever done on my own.  But living in a small town where there really isn't much to speak of besides one very historical street facing the river has left me to my own devices for over nine months now.

Sitting around in my apartment when it was far too hot to go outside this summer got me thinking.  What can I DO?  Do with my own hands and mind to keep myself occupied.

Enter HGTV.

I started watching all those design shows, makeover shows, house hunting shows, etc.  After countless episodes and hours I realized something... what those people are doing on those shows really isn't rocket science.   Most of those people don't have to have a specialized degree for what they are doing either.  In fact what they have is an eye, a style, and a will to bring to life what they envision.

Just the same as everyone else.

Now I'm not seeking a camera crew with boom mics and awkward equipment and hilarious outtakes.  I just want to look around my small apartment and feel comfortable.  Comfortable in knowing that hey, this is my space and I made it what it is.

And so started my DIY craze.

Two weeks ago a very dear friend (who knows me very well) sent me a text in the middle of the night:
"you've got to check out it has your name written ALL OVER IT"

And so started my DIY obsession.

From then it has been a non-stop mission of go to work, play with my kids who light up my life, go home and search for inspiration to put myself to work.  My mom let me borrow her sewing machine and I've managed to haphazardly teach myself to sew.  I'll be honest, that machine has scared me all my life, but it's really not so bad!  I've purchased a staple gun, wrachet, glue gun, spray adhesive, patterns, lumber, spray paint, brushes, etc... and what I've come up with has kept me sufficiently entertained!

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