Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kick My Heels Up and SHOUT!!!

I'm going to go ahead and be so bold as to say, I would guess that the majority of the working world has issues with their job.  Ethical.  Moral.  Whatever the case may be... no job is perfect and no worker is perfect.

Nevertheless, there are those in the working world who - for lack of better sense - still want to be perfect or make their job perfect, or at least try to shape themselves and/or job into some tangible ideal of perfect.  (Oxymoron much?)  That being said, today that ideal became a reality for me for about an hour.

The nerd that lives not too terribly deep beneath my exterior shell was all but crawling, kicking, and screaming it's way out today when I recieved an email from a teacher at a school where I worked last year.  I'm quite sure this teacher had no idea I was still included in the standard mass email list for the entire school.  I thought it was odd to hear from him so I opened the email and found only one attachment with a very familiar title.  I opened the attachment and much to my surprise was a tutorial I had written and distributed to the speech therapists in the parish.  My name was not on it so he had no way of knowing who came up with this attachment he'd mistakenly sent me.

I was ELATED that something I'd worked on was found beneficial to someone other than myself.  To know that my work was helping other people -- definitely brought my ideal of the perfect job into full view.

The rest of the day I cannot speak so highly of, but that is not the point.

The point is -- never underestimate the power of your insticts. 

If Pasteur had ignored his, we would not have vaccines.  If Franklin had ignored his, we would not have electricity.  If Edison had ignored his, we would not have light bulbs.

After all, it's the little things that add up to the big ones.

I suppose this isn't a DIY installment such as the previous three entries, BUT it is ABOUT a DIY.  That's got to could for something ;-)

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