Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle....

.... of too many projects!

Couldn't make it in to see my kids today -- fevers get you sent home.  But boatloads of Sudafed and Tylenol do wonders!  Not to mention 2 gallons of water, saltines, 3 hot baths, and a ton of fresh air.  By noon I felt like a brand new woman! 

So just what is there to do when you feel refreshed on a beautiful day when you're not at work in this town?
Why, I thought you'd never ask!

Your DIY til you forget you were ever feeling poorly at all!  :-)

The source of my inspiration for this latest project can be found HERE.  As I'm sure you've noticed, the price tag  for FLEECE seems to have gone up exponentially for this product.   And as my LookBook says "What I Cannot Afford, I Instead Adore!"... and I adored it so darn much I just had to see if I could make it myself!  So after staring at the picture for no less than an hour (not all at one time mind you, I'm much too ADD for that noise) I decided I'd see what sort of resemblance I could re-create.  My dad and I took a trip to Hancock Fabrics this weekend where they had a 50% off sale on all anti-pill fleece and let me just say, they have the CUTEST FLEECE PRINTS EVER.  Though the cute ones were not anti-pill which is what I decided I needed for this jacket.  Two and half yards of neutral, camel color anti pill fleece, invisible thread, and two hours of determined ingenuity resulted in this remake:

It can be worn at least 5 different ways, has a hood, & pockets
 Moving on past this project I decided to get to work on a t-shirt project I've seen a million times on Pinterest.  One pack of four men's white undershirts at Walmart = $8.50.  For that price I now have TWO new t-shirts (one to keep, one to sell).

I also decided to make my own facial cleansing wipes using these products.  My facial cleanser (which I would swear by) is $35 a bottle.  And while it does last, it doesn't last as long as I'd like a $35 investment in SOAP to last.  So I made a way to stretch my product life AND cut down on my face cleaning routine!  Apply homemade eye makeup remover with cotton balls, Toss, Get a facial wipe, Swipe, wipe, CLEAN, spritz with homemade astringent, DONE.  Cheap, Easy, Effective - my three new favorite words!  Here's what I used:
Watch out for the Knife.  I've got horror stories.

And last but not least...

As this DIY craze has taken over my life, it's become more than apparent that I need a way to store it all.  I considered some DIY options but as I priced them out... $50 and up was getting a bit ridiculous for a hobby organizer.  So.... OFF TO GOODWILL!!  For $20 I found this gem which serves my needs and then some!  PLUS, it was a new project!  Just what I needed for the evening.  The people at Goodwill were so kind as to help me load it and secure it into my car.  As I was attempting to unload it from my car and get it up a flight of stairs by myself, my newest neighbor came out and offered to help me.  (Like I was going to resist help, I wouldn't have asked for it, but when it's offered... Don't mind if I do!)  Small world too.... my new neighbor is from a part of Kansas City that I grew to begrudginly know -- Grandview.  Anyway.  Got up the stairs and spray painted it a neutral mocha beige in a satin finish.  Ummm hey genius... how are you  going to get this monstrosity across the wood floors of your apartment?

Paused to think.

I'll just lay it on its back, create easy leverage by placing a spray can under it, secure scraps of felt from my jacket with hairbands around the legs, stand it back upright and push it. 
Worked like a charm. 
The friction of the fleece on the carpet caused the fleece to be pulled off and my hairbands to be returned.  Lined the back of the cabinet with wrapping paper, afixed a mirror, and began filling it up.  Need some decorative knobs from Hobby Lobby obviously, but that will have to wait til this weekend!  Here's the beginning and end (the end for this evening anyway):

What started as a Child's Corner Cabinet

Is now a Grown's Crafting Corner!
And with that, I am officially exhausted!!!!

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